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Tour de Yankton: Recruitment & Hiring Event

TDY Digital Billboard (1)

The Tour De Yankton: Hiring event will be taking place July 25 from 5-7 p.m. at the Music at the Meridian. We have provided some information about the participating employers below:


AAA Button
avera health plans button revised 2
Boys and Girls Club Button
Cimpls button
empire products button
Yankton FPC button
Harmelink Fox Law Office
Kaiser Heating and Cooling Button
L&M Radiator Button
Lifeserve Blood Center button
Missouri River Button
modern woodmen button
Perkins button
River City Domestic Violence Center button
RTEC button
wilson trailer button
Yankton County EMS button

The Tour De Yankton is a monthly partnership brought to you by the Department of Labor & Regulation, Yankton Thrive and Riverfront Broadcasting.

For more information or to help you prepare, call the Yankton Job Service at 605.668.2900.

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